May 6, 2015

Still Life With Daffodils

It was too breezy to paint outside so my plein air group met in the back room of our new art supply store – Color Country […]
June 27, 2015

My New Work/Desert in Bloom: Prickly Pear

Living in the high desert of southwestern Utah teaches the value in subtle shades of sage green, gray, brown and gray. Native plants, animals and birds […]
October 30, 2015

“Bone Mountain” A new Watercolor!!!

On a recent journey to an art festival in Escalante, Utah, I paused by the roadside to say hello to a grazing horse. Walking down by […]
December 31, 2015

New Watercolor!! East Zion 3

I painted East Zion 3 on “aquabord” by Ampersand – a “claybord textured” watercolor surface which promised I could “endlessly glaze and lift to underlying layers […]